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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/18/2016 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Got this much done then everything stalled again. Hope to get back on it soon. God Bless
  2. 1 point
    The Prostar and Fleetstar have see little action since the last time, but the Paystar has grown a few appendages. The old 'binder is now armed with a 105 recoilless rifle mounted atop a platform over the cab... that should keep any marauders at bay. I also added a "blast screen" over the windshield, and used an air cleaner from a junked Payhauler 350 kit. A little "corrugated tin" was used to make some rear fenders. Here's an overall shot, showing the fenders and bumper. The taillights are just self-adhesive rhinestones from a craft shop. The platform is made up of an old Peerless headache rack and a G-scale stairway from Plastruct. The exhaust pipe is slash-cut Evergreen styrene tubing. It also has a name now...