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About Pop's

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  • Birthday June 29

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  1. Thanks Bully. Still can't do a proper crop job. Truck in back is a Pete 359,the tank was a Freuhauf gas tanker which I converted to hauling chemicals. Sorry to say but I am trying to get mods to remove me from system. Pops
  2. I finally got the Great Dane trailer finished. Just wanted to add some chain to the load. It is being pulled by a Freightliner. On this build I stretched the frame 2". I screwed up with the exhaust stacks so I ran the stacks across the frame to approx. to the end of fuel tanks then ran cross over pipe to exhaust manifold. I also added an enclosed headache rack. As an after thought I may add a box between the axles to store the tarps. Excuse the black areas. Still can't remember how to properly crop pictures. Pops
  3. Pop's

    Freightliner COE Dual Drive

    I heard that Bully.In some cases at my age my hands don't work too good sometimes. Hard to grip parts. The freightliner from my perspective was the worst kit I ever built. Too many issues trying to get cab to sit right. Also screwed up trying to install stacks. Had to take a different approach. Pops
  4. Pop's

    Freightliner COE Dual Drive

    Nice job Bully. Looks clean.Like the color. Mine should have looked this good. Pops
  5. Pop's

    Great Dane flatbed

    Nice job so far Navy. can't wait to see it finished. I'm working on the same built. Just need to add some details. Pops
  6. Pop's

    New AMT Peterbilt

    Very nice job Brian. Like the paint color. Looks like you really took your time building this truck judging from how neat it looks. Pops
  7. Pop's

    Current trailer build-WIP

    Thanks for the kind words Bully. If you like,when you build this kit I could give you a fes tips on creating the spread axle. Pops
  8. This is my current build. It is the AMT Great Dane Extendable flatbed. It is painted to match a White Freightliner which will pull it. It is also WIP. When I was ready to attach front to rear sections,I stretched it out to a scale 60'. When I completed the wheel assembly I cut it in half. One half was put at the rear while the other half was installed a scale 10' axle center to center creating a spread axle set up. I then built a massive concrete beam. I still have a few details to install. When all is done I'll post some final shots. Pop's
  9. How do I post a picture? Seems every site is a little different. Pop's
  10. Pop's

    Just arrived here

    Thanks for the welcome Bully. Let me just say this-my builds are far from perfect,are not show quality but I do the best I can.
  11. Pop's

    Just arrived here

    Hello fellow builders, My name is Bob aka Pops. I'm72 and live in Phillipsburg,NJ. I just started building trucks about a year ago. I also did lots of building as a kid and some in my 20's. I have also built model cars but are getting to hard to handle small parts. I have a few trucks that are almost done and hope to be able to post some pictures. I do have some prior with big rigs having owned my own tractor and hauled both dry and liquid freight covering groceries,bag cement,fuel oil,alphalt,lube oil and chemicals. See you all later. Pop's