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About Casey

  • Rank
    Advanced Member

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  1. Casey

    Scale Calculator

    Thank you. I hope folks find it useful.
  2. Casey

    Frame stretch part MTB SP48

    I plan to make those as soon as I get a free moment.
  3. Casey


    Try http://www.modeltruckin.com/store/
  4. Casey

    Frame stretch part MTB SP48

    Thanks! It does makes it much easier.
  5. Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you like them. Thank you for the purchase.
  6. For those that are interested, we have added the following items to the MTB store: - 150 Gallon Peterbilt Fuel Tanks - 125 Gallon Peterbilt Fuel Tanks - 100 Gallon Peterbilt Fuel Tanks - Swan Hood Ornament - Duck Hood Ornament https://www.modeltruckbuilder.com/index.php?/store/
  7. Casey

    Hi, Paul from Kansas

    Glad to have you with us Paul.
  8. Here's my take on the topic: frame stretch tutorial
  9. Casey

    Hi from Northeast PA.

    Welcome and thanks for joining us. We look forward to seeing you builds and your comments in the forums.
  10. Casey

    3D Models

  11. Casey

    3D Models

    3D Studio Max.
  12. Casey

    2020 Builds

    I moved the post over to the Showroom.
  13. Casey


    Shawn, Your order has shipped and you should have received a tracking number from PayPal and from the site as well. I appreciate the kind words from your fellow modelers on the site. I think we offer some pretty nice stuff at a fair price. I usually get things out a bit faster but the last few months, well really most of the year, has been crazy. Regarding the messages, were they sent through this site? --Casey
  14. Casey


    Hey Shawn, Where did you send the messages to? I have not received an e-mail, site message, or support request from you. I'm not trying to insinuate that you didn't send the messages. I'm just curious if there is a problem on my end. Regardless, I fell a bit behind because I have had to work a ton of overtime at my "real" job over the past month and a failure of my rear bumper mold. I am back to my regular schedule, the mold has been replaced and I am currently working to fill orders. I anticipate that your order will ship either tomorrow or Tuesday. Sorry for the delay, Casey
  15. Casey

    Lego Truck build.

    Please, share away.